(15th May 2013: participation has been cancelled)
Jack Ralite was born on 14 May 1928 in Chalons en Champagne, France. He was a journalist and head of the radio-television section (1957 to 1963) then the culture section at Humanité Dimanche (1968 to 1973). He was also deputy mayor for culture and education in Aubervilliers (1959 to 1984), member of the National Federation of Local Cultural Centres (1965 to 1973), representative for Aubervilliers (1973 to 1981), cinema budget rapporteur, Minister of Health (1981 to 1983), Minister of Employment (1983 to 1984), mayor of Aubervilliers (1984 to 2003), regional councillor for Ile-de-France (1986 to 1992), Senator (1995 to 2011), leader of Etats généraux de la culture (since 1987).