Valérie Pihet directs the Experimentation in arts and politics programme, co-founded in 2010 with philosopher Bruno Latour; the two have been working together since 2002. She also coordinated the exhibitions “Iconoclash. Beyond the image wars in science, religion and art” (ZKM, 2002) and “Making Things Public. Atmospheres of Democracy” (ZKM, 2005), as well as creating and developing the médialab de Sciences Po, a digital resource laboratory for social sciences. In addition, she has worked with artists Pierre Huyghe and Thierry Fournier and today regularly collaborates with artist Franck Leibovici and photographers Armin Linke and Sylvain Gouraud. Lastly, in early 2013 together with Emilie Hermant she co-founded Dingdingdong - – Institut de coproduction de savoir sur la maladie de Huntington, a collective of people affected by Huntington’s disease, researchers and artists.