Manifesto #1 - A Constructed World Medicine Show
Friday 26 April 2013, 18h00 » 20h00
  • literature
  • manifesto

Manifesto #1 - A Constructed World Medicine Show

vue d'installation, Avant-Spectacle, A Micro Medicine Show, Ferme du Buisson, 2011

Over the last four years A Constructed World have been working together with the group Speech and What Archive to make material a level of trust between people, delivering speech, conversation, lectures, telepathy, elixirs, song, music and spells. Speech and What Archive is like a model audience that speaks and acts to connect with a wider public to find what is already present and what-we-dont-know-together. What Speech and What Archive do and say together is archived 'live' with the audience.Our joint and overarching question, for this event,  is how do we make a manifesto or score for what-we-don't-know-will-happen (together)?
A Constructed World Medicine Show is a continuing, moving, shapeshifting performance with Speech and What Archive, a cohesive research group made up of thirteen people from different backgrounds and levels of experience, including artists, art critics art historians and a philosopher.



We are thinking about the idea of satisfaction-without-delay: immediate satisfaction. The Latin root of the term satisfy, satis-facere, literally means to make or do enough. Satis, here is an adverb, so, we can think in an adverbial way. Satisfaction means thinking about action in terms of what is enough, what is sufficient for us. It is an interpretation of both quantity and intensity. But of what? Literally, of that which suffices, of that which is enough. Sufficere in Latin is sub-facere: to act upon, submit or suffuse in a material sense, in the way that dye goes in to fabric. The second meaning of sufficere – is the contemporary use of words such as "satisfy" or "satiate" – is also evoked in the words "get" or "obtain", which can mean to both acquire and accomplish.
When we think about satisfaction, we consider an action that is both sufficient and imbued: a state of impregnation. Im-præ-gnatus: to accelerate time without delay, in order to be as close as possible to that which is happening. Unlike consumption’s instant gratification or the Epicurean postponement of pleasure, this form of satisfaction is not dependent upon an outcome or an eventual reward. Rather, it is immediate, an experience compacted through its own production. This is the meaning of satisfaction-without-delay: the experience of what is happening that doesn't require an intermediary.
To think in this adverbial way (whether we are aware or not) lets us experience what is at once enough and what is just ahead. To be just enough ahead of ourselves. This is a process of address, of speech or delivery; it's a matter of trust. Such a function can only be with those we love. 


+ date
friday 26th april, 8 pm
+ free entrance on reservation
at / +33(0) 153 561 590


Image: vue d'installation, Avant-Spectacle, A Micro Medicine Show, Ferme du Buisson, 2011


Project produced with the support of the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d'Ile-de-France - aide individuelle à la création 2012, and with the generous support of  Vision Forum, Linköping University, Sweden and of the FNAGP (Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques)

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