Emmanuelle Chérel: a Ph.D. in art history and research director, member of the research laboratory Langages, actions urbaines et altérités at the École National d’architecture de Nantes, she works particularly on the political dimensions of art and prefers interdisciplinary theoretical tools and approaches in order to relocate an artistic proposal in the context in which it appeared. A teacher of Art history at the École supérieure des Beaux-arts de Nantes, she also leads the research project Pensées archipéliques based there. E. Chérel has conducted different group research projects and colloquiums, and has written numerous articles (including “X et Y/ contre préfet de …Plaidoirie pour une jurisprudence –une proposition d’Olive Martin et de Patrick Bernier” (X and Y/ versus the Prefect… Argument for jurisprudence – a proposal by Olive Martin and Patrick Bernier) this autumn in Mutlitidues N°52 and with Elisabeth Pasquier she codirected the edition La fiction et le reel, Lieux Communs N°16. Her work Le Mémorial de l'abolition de l'esclavage de Nantes - Enjeux et controverses (The Nantes Memorial to the abolition of slavery – meaning and controversy) (PUR, 2012) examines and analyses the genealogy of this project. She is currently working on a new book entitled Où en est la question postcoloniale dans le champ de l'art en France? (Where do we stand on the postcolonial question in the art field in France?”).