Isabelle Launay teaches history and aesthetics of contemporary dance in the Dance department at Université Paris VIII-Saint Denis as well as at the CNDC Angers. Her notable published works include A la recherché d’une danse modern – Rudolf Laban-Mary Wigman (In search of modern dance – Rudolf Laban-Mary Wigman) (Chiron, 1996), with Boris Charmatz, Entretenir, à propos d’une danse contemporaine (Maintaining conversations, on contemporary dance) (Presses du reel, 2002), with les Carnets Bagouet, les Carnets Bagouet, (Solitaires Intempestifs, 2007), with Sylvaine Pagès Mémoires et histoire en danse (History and Memory in Dance) (L’Harmattan, 2011), and with Marie Glon Histoires de gestes (About gestures) (Actes Sud, 2012). She also collaborates on a range of artistic projects with various contemporary dancer-choreographers. More information