Bénédicte Chaljub is an architect, a researcher in history of architecture, and a visual artist. She dedicated her Phd to the work of architect Renée Gailhoustet (born in 1929) and keeps transmitting her research on post-war cultural architecture via the publication of texts, architectural structures, exhibitions. Among others publications, she edited La politesse des maisons, Renée Gailhoustet architecte (ed. Actes Sud, 2009), Georges Candilis, Alexis Josic, Shadrach Woods (ed. Monum, In Folio, 2010), Alexis Josic, architectures, trames, figures (L'Oeil d'or, 2013). She is also the author of articles on the photographers Pierre Joly and Véra Cardot (AMC, 2013), the architect Jean-Louis Chanéac (AMC, 2012), the architecture school of Nanterre (AMC, 2012), the Tournesol swimming pools (2010) and the curator of the exhibition "Architectures -Arts plastiques Nanterre" (villa des Tourelles, Nanterre, 2013).