Maxime Guitton is in charge of the Soutien à la création, a service which supports contemporary creation through grants and funds to visual artists, publishers, art dealers, art critics and film producers at the Centre national des arts plastiques (CNAP) in Paris. Since 2003, he has been developing free-lance music programming activities in a variety of independent venues, art spaces and museums (Le BAL, CAPC, Centre Pompidou, etc.). He has been assisting composer Eliane Radigue between 2009 through 2011. His fields of research have led him to be invited by art schools and institutions for classes, workshops, lectures and listening sessions in France and Switzerland (ECAL, Ecole du Magasin, INHA, Bétonsalon, Musée de la Main UNIL-CHUV, etc.). In 2014, he curated Melissa Dubbin and Aaron S. Davidson's solo exhibition, a drusy vein (Treize, Paris). Along with Benoît Hické, He completed in 2015 the programming of Montagnes: la terre exhaussée, a cycle of film screenings, lectures and acousmatic diffusion about mountains at the National Museum of Natural History (Paris).