Marie-Laure Allain Bonilla is a doctoral student in art history and criticism at Université Rennes 2. She is completing her thesis on the use of postcolonial theories in curatorial practices in contemporary art since the 1980s. She has coordinated research on the subject of glocal issues (published in revue 2.0.1., 2010) and has published a paper about the Johannesburg biennale (in Africultures, 2008; revue 2.0.1., 2009) as well as on the work of Tracey Rose (in Dislocation culturelle et construction identitaire, Université de Lorraine, 2012) and Guillermo Goméz-Peña (in Aborder les bordures: l’art contemporain et la question des frontiers, La Lettre volée, publication scheduled late 2013).