Running Commentary #4 & #5
Dimanche 21 novembre 2010, 15h00 » 19h00

Running Commentary #4 & #5

Running Commentary #4 (4 pm)

Giant City by Mette Ingvarsten. Performed on 18th to 20th November at the Théâtre de la Cité Internationale, during the Festival d'Automne à Paris.
Commentators : Ivana Müller, Bojana Cvejic and Mette Ingvarsten

Running Commentary #5 (6 pm)

Shichimi Togarashi by Juan Dominguez. Performed on 18th to 20th November at the Ménagerie de Verre, during the "Inaccoutumés" festival.
Commentators : Grégory Castéra, Joris Lacoste, Bojana Cvejic and Juan Dominguez