Michel Gaillot is a philosopher, art critic and philosophy professor at ESACM (École supérieure d'art de Clermont Métropole). He is the author of Sens multiple - La techno, un laboratoire artistique et politique du présent (Éditions Dis Voir, Paris, 1998), Le lieu en offrande (Villa du Parc, Annemasse, 2005) and Nous, peuple des voix (Editions du Service des arts plastiques de la Ville des Vénissieux, 2002). He is currently writing an essay on the work of Jean-Luc Nancy and a book on the issue of image. He has also written numerous articles and given conferences in France and abroad on different issues relating to contemporary art and current political though, in particular with regards to “l'être-en-commun” or “being-together” and community.