Writer and art historian, Zahia Rahmani has been director of the Arts and Globalisation research programme since it was founded in 2004 at the Institut national d’histoire de l’art. It is a forward-looking, cross-disciplinary programme focusing on contemporary artistic practices in a globalised world. She has created an interactive bibliographic database on the subject. The body of more than 4500 works is a unique source of information on the globalisation of art and its theoretical impact, from its genealogy to what it has borrowed from comparative literature. From 1999 to 2002 she created and led the Research program, post-graduate study at the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris, under the direction of Alfred Pacquement. Previously she worked at the Villa Arson, École nationale d’art de Nice, the Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume and the Leo Castelli Gallery, New York. She is the author of a literature trilogy dedicated to contemporary figures of “outcasts” Moze (2003), Musulman (2005) and France récit d’une enfance (2006) published by Sabine Wespieser; on unexpected figures in postcolonial theory. She published Le Harki comme spectre ou l’Ecriture du déterrement (The Harki as a spectre or the Writing of Excavation) in Retours du colonial? Disculpation et réhabilitation de l’histoire coloniale (Return of the colonial? Exoneration and rehabilitation of colonial history), Editions Cécile Defaut (2010). Her writings are regularly reviewed and commented upon by researchers in France and abroad.